Hi class! we are going to read a comic strip and we'll see if you remember what you studied with Coro and Edita in the science class. The picture will lead you to the comic.
After reading, answer the questions below:Focus on language
1. Find examples of verbs in the past tenses in the text.
2. Look for expressions meaning "with a lot of clothes on", "shortage of energy", "limited in size and extent", "very few"
3. Write words related to a
4. How do you say "gas" in British English?
Reading comprehension:
Say if the following sentences are True or False.1. Goofy is late because his car broke down.
2. Goofy is hot, that's why he turned off the thermostat.
3. When Mickey goes into the US bank of Energy, he discovers the USA have run out of energy.
4. Mickey and Goofy go to see different types of energy.
5. Goofy checked everything in his car.
6. They ran out of energy and needed to rest.
Answer the following questions:1.According to Mickey, why is so important not to waste energy?
2. What types of energy are named in the comic?
Now you have to post a commment giving some ideas of what to do to save energy. Don't forget to write your name.